Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back Into the Swing of Things...

Wow this week flew by! I had four days of professional development at my school . We received a grant that allowed the district to provide additional professional development before starting back with the students. One of the topics that was discussed this week was using data to enhance instruction. It made me think about how important the Teacher's Tool Kit Reports are. The data from those reports can be used to identify skills that your whole class or maybe individual students need more help with. What a great way to identify problem areas so that you can adjust your instruction. While the Tool Kit data is not the only data I use to make decisions, it is probably the one that I look at the most.

It was so refreshing to see all the teachers that I haven't seen all summer long! I was able to get my classroom set up and meet our new principal. All of that preparing has me exhausted and school hasn't even really started yet!

Tuesday is my first day with students. We have a half day and will only meet with our advisory group of students. I'm really looking forward to Wednesday when I'll get to meet all of my new 9th graders.

Whether you're like me and just starting your school year or have been back at it for a few weeks, enjoy the long weekend!


Thuc-Khanh said...

How often do you run a report? I need to use the option more often. How often are your students on Cognitive Tutor? Mine are on one day a week. What percentage of your students work on CT outside of class time? I haven't given my students the option yet unless they come to tutorials.

Have a WONDERFUL first week getting to know your students!! I'll be thinking about you :)

Brandy King said...

I run the class progress report each day that I go in the lab to see where students are and to identify who I want to focus my attention on based on progress. I run the student detailed report every 2 weeks minimum (that's how I do my grading). We go to the lab 1.5 periods a week (each period is 90 minutes). Not many of my students work on it at home. Usually the ones that do are making up for being absent. But I usually have a few in each class that work on it at home. One issue we have at my district is that a lot of the students do not have internet access at home.

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