Tuesday, May 31, 2011

End of the Year Clean Up

For most schools, the year is coming to an end. While this is a time for reflection for both teachers and students, it is also a time for clean up. While you clean and pack up your classroom, don't forget to clean up the teacher's tool kit.

The Carnegie 2011/2012 update for the Cognitive Tutor will occur in July. Before you update, it may be helpful to clean up the teacher toolkit. After talking it over with other teachers from your district, delete any teachers that will no longer be using the tutor, delete classes that will no longer be taught, and students that will no longer be working on the tutor. Be careful because once a student is deleted you cannot get their data back. So please make sure you check with other teachers and are sure you want a class, teacher, or student deleted before doing so. There is a helpful checklist with step by step instructions for cleaning up the tutor available in the teacher resource center. Simply log into your account, go to the support tab, and under guides choose end of the year checklist.

If you will be using the Cognitive Tutor in a summer school program you might want to schedule your update instead of doing it automatically in July. If you need to schedule your upgrade contact customer support by email at help@carnegielearning.com or by phone at 877-401-2527.

Enjoy your summer and I hope to see you in Grapevine Texas for the Carnegie Learning National Math Institute!(There is still time to register!)


Scott said...

Scott, here from Carnegie Learning Customer Support.

Customers will be able to change their upgrade/migration date themselves through the Resource Center. The schedule will be posted under their account soon, so you won't need to call or email, just update it via the Resource Center :-)

chris said...

Are still posting to this site?

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