Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Test Generator... more than just tests!

Last week I was out of my classroom to attend another Algebra For All workshop. With 90 minute periods it is hard to find something that students can do that will keep them busy for 90 minutes. Normally I do not have a problem filling the time with group work, discussions, and other activities. But when a sub is there I'm always worried about keeping them busy. I was trying to literally cut and paste (with scissors and tape) parts from several different skills practice assignments to make a review sheet when a stroke of genius hit me! Why not use the test generator software to create the worksheet? Did you know you have access to the assessments, homework assignments, homework helper, and skills practice assignments are available on the test generator? This means no more cutting and pasting! I love the skills practice assignments but sometimes they are too long to assign all at once. Now I can choose bits and pieces through the test generator to make my own unique assignment. Then when I was finished choosing the items I wanted I exported the "test" as a rich text file. This allowed me to open it as a text document to edit the heading and add other items. It worked out great. I don't know why I never thought of this before!

1 comment:

Thuc-Khanh said...

I totally forgot about the test generator. Thanks for reminding me!

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