Thursday, March 11, 2010

Test Generator

I cannot tell you how excited I was when Carnegie announced last year that they were converting the “Student Assessments” on the Resource Center from PDF’s to Word Documents!! That meant that I could actually redesign my assessments any way that I wanted to from the comfort of my computer, instead of doing it the old fashioned way and literally cutting and pasting the parts of the assessment I wanted to keep. But when I actually opened one of the assessments to modify for the first time I realized that cutting and pasting might have actually been easier than removing and/or editing the text on the tests. Everything seemed to be “grouped” and it is very hard to move things or change the size of something or even delete something without deleting things you want to keep. Needless to say it wasn’t as “user friendly” as I was hoping!

BUT THEN……but then I got an email the beginning of this year from my sales rep just to let me know that Carnegie had now developed a Test Generator. And although I was a little skeptical at first, let me tell you ladies and gentlemen, that my prayers have been answered!! What a wonderful tool it is; much more easy to use than the word files in the Resource Center. They have compiled EVERY question from EVERY student assessment, skills practice, assignment and even the homework helper all into a huge database for you to randomly or purposefully generate assessments. All of this is run by a program called ExamView which many of you are familiar with and I already loved to start with. You can generate assessments by choosing where you want questions to come from (skills practice for Ch. 9 or assessment Ch. 2) or what kind or questions you want (short answer, multiple choice, etc) or you can even write your own questions. Or you can make your assessment a combination of any of these.

I used it just today to make a short quiz on Probability and in less than 5 minutes I had four different versions of the same quiz ready to go WITH keys.
Thank you Carnegie Learning for listening to the needs of your instructors!! You have made my year!! =)


Unknown said...

How do you get to the Test Generator? We have ExamView and access to the Carnegie Teacher Resource Center - how do we connect them?

Kasey Bratcher said...

Just contact your local Carnegie sales rep and ask them about the test generator. You have to actually purchase it (it doesn't come with the curriculum at this point), but it is VERY inexpensive and worth the extra money!! Hope that helps!!

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