Thursday, February 4, 2010


Welcome to the ranting of a small-town algebra teacher whose perception on teaching has been completely transformed by this 21st century curriculum called Carnegie Learning!! If you want a snapshot into a real-live classroom that has truly adopted the philosophy “learning by doing,” this is the blog for you. Over the next several months, I will be posting each week about the everyday things that happen in my Carnegie classroom.

In my seventh year of teaching (third with Carnegie) I still feel like I am just beginning, but there is one thing I know for sure; no matter how many years I teach, I will always have room to learn. This blog is my way of sharing with you what is working and even sometimes what isn’t working in my Carnegie classroom in hopes to encourage you in yours.

And there is so much to talk about!! From setting up your classroom and establishing class norms, to how to grade the lab, to the importance of student presentation, keeping groups on task, grouping, planning, pacing, and on and on we will talk about it all!! And if there is anything you want to know about my classroom that I haven’t shared, just let me know. I truly want this to be interactive and I anticipate to learn as much from you as you do from me.

My goal for this blog is simple; to stretch you with new ideas for your classroom! Because a wise man once said, “Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions” (Oliver Wendell Holmes).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I used to teach Algebra 1 with the Cognitive Tutor, but am now exclusively teaching Geometry. The current Alg. 1 students are no longer using the program and I am really disappointed in the topics that are not covered in the current text, and how ill-prepared for Geometry they are. "What do you mean, use the quadratic formula?" However, after learning Geometry with the Cognitve Tutor, they have no problem transitioning to Algebra 2! Sometimes I think you get a big picture of how good this program is AFTER it's gone. Can't wait for the new Geomtery program!

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